Benefit Street Vintage lights from Providence Rhode Island Historic District. Price is for ONE lamp.
Colonial Boston Design Vintage Authentic City Post Lantern lights. Old New England charm resonates from these extraordinary historic street lights. Illuminate your driveway or street with these heavy duty authentic vintage post lantern lights.These lights were removed from Benefit Street in Providence Rhode Island. Most images of Benefit Street show these exact fixtures. They could be re-painted or left with their old patina and showing age. They should last another 50 years or more. They are commercial quality and built to endure storms and decades of weather.
These were very expensive lights when new. They are unusual and beautiful. With todays warm LED high output bulbs they can efficiently cast a warm light to a street or driveway. Quality construction even keeps insects from getting inside! The middle light and ballast can be removed for traditional driveway lights.If you need the power of a city light leave the 500 watt bulb. Developers/ builders - Add REAL charm to a street! Each lamp is boxed in heavy cardboard and foam. These vintage street lights are sure to impress anyone who sees them. Weight - 45Lbs before packaging.
Accepts standard bulb on bottom socket. 500W Metal halide and light senor can be removed and capped so standard bulb shines throughout.